Heroes Of Loot Java to Genesis conversion. Day 0 Looked at the original dungeon generation source code and decided to move from Java to c# so I could add it in to my tooling.For now I'll be creating the dungeons on PC side, and perhaps move this over to 68000 later. It's going to be a tricky conversion. I am thinking of refactoring all the Java code first, to make it more data-driven, so that when this works on PC , I can convert it to Genesis much more easily, using the same data. The main advantage of this is to be sure there are no bugs in the conversion, which will be hard to spot later. Day 1 Started a new code project by copying GunSlugs codebase. Converted the Java dungeon code over, in part, and got that working in the tool, complete with being able to display the results. Then got this exporting to 68k data tables and importing on to Genesis. I added a handful of sprites, and also exported a background tile set. This is all using the new Winforms Snake Editor,...